Why You Need Hire An Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

If you’ve sustained a spinal cord injury resulting in partial or complete paralysis, brain injury, or other serious injuries in an accident caused by the at-fault party’s negligence, then, under Arizona law, you are entitled to fair compensation. Demonstrating all the required elements of a personal injury claim can be extremely difficult without proper legal representation. That’s why it’s in your best interest to consult with and hire one of the best personal injury attorneys in Arizona at a reputable law firm like Enara Law that specializes in personal injury cases and has recovered millions of dollars for accident victims either through an out-of-court settlement or trial verdict.

Filing a personal injury claim on your own would drastically reduce your chances of getting the amount of compensation that you rightfully deserve because insurance adjusters are known for using all sorts of tricks and strategies to pay out as little as possible. Keep in mind that even though Arizona legislation prevents any caps on the compensatory damages that victims can recover in a personal injury lawsuit, the state adheres to the “comparative negligence” rule. When one of the seasoned personal injury lawyers at Enara Law is representing you, you can rest assured that they will draw on their expertise to prove that your actions were not partially responsible for the accident.

Accident victims who can’t afford to pay any attorney’s fees out-of-pocket but want to get fair, full compensation can take advantage of a contingency fee arrangement. This means that your attorney charges no fees unless and until they win your case. Enara Law attorneys handle personal injury cases on a contingency basis and advance all costs associated with your case ( these costs are different from attorney’s fees, and they are typically incurred when your case goes to trial).

If you are the victim of a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, slip & fall, or another type of accident that was not your fault, do not hesitate to contact Enara Law by calling 602 687-2010, by filling out the online contact form, or by using the chat feature on the law firms website enaralaw. com to set up a free consultation with an experienced Arizona personal injury lawyer. During the consultation, your case will be expertly evaluated free of charge, and you will discuss not only how much your personal injury claim is worth i.e. the amount of compensatory damages that you may recover, but also the best course of action to obtain the most favorable outcome so that you can move forward.